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                     Point of Vanishing Stability will result in rotation until equilibrium is maintained. With this
                     attitude ship can be more stable when upright.

                     In order to achieve a self-righting design, the vessel must fill three fundamental requirements

                           Possess a curve of righting levers for which there is no Point of Vanishing Stability
                               which possible with positive GZ curve throughout the full 360 degrees’ rotation.

                           Become unstable when inverted to initiate the righting process until vessel become
                               upright position.

                           Remain buoyant and watertight.

                     3. Self-Righting Methods
                     To provide the criteria mentioned above, self-righting craft usually own a non-flooding hull and
                     sufficient buoyancy suitably placed to ensure that the vessel is unstable when inverted. In case
                     of large vessels size of superstructure generally produce adequate buoyancy, with all hull and
                     opening being non-flooding or self-closed to keep watertight integrity. Such vessels have
                     inherently self-righting the capability is in the design. For small boats, lacks of space for large
                     superstructure usually prevent inherited self-righting ability. In order to achieve self-righting use
                     of inflatable bag can be used. Inflatable bag can be either triggered automatically or manually
                     by crew when vessel is capsized. Third method is the moveable weight method called
                     commonly water ballast. Moving weight causes an instability when ship is capsized resulting a
                     positive righting moment.

                     Neither inflatable bag nor moving weight prevents capsizing. This methods used after passing
                     the point of vanishing stability to ensure instability until ship is come to its upright position.
                     After that normal form and stability criteria comes into play.
                     One essential of any self-righting vessel is the relationship between weight and buoyancy to
                     obtain required stability curve. One achieved this curve in rolling process; nothing should
                     disturb it and impaired the recovery process. Meaning that, crew, passengers, and equipment
                     should not move and change the ship’s center of gravity. Thus, securing the crew and
                     passengers is also an important criterion for self-righting vessel design.

                     3.1 Inherent Self-Righting
                     Boats utilizing this method have their self-righting ability where it is always available and will
                     return upright from any angle of heel regardless of crew’s additional action.

GiDB|DERGi Sayı 6, 2016
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