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                         Table 6. Ecological Impact Score of Mnemiopsis leidyi

Mnemiopsis leidyi               From : Atlantic Coasts of North and South America

Ecological Impact               Extinction of Anchovy, Cause to serious decrease   4
                                of the many fish population, pollution in the sea
Reproduction Rate and Invasive  bottom after they die.                             4
Potential                                                                          4
Invaded Regions                 Adult ones can produce 2000-8000 eggs during       3
                                spawning, very high invasive potential             15
Management Difficulty
                                Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Marmara Sea,
                                Aegean Sea

                                Can be controlled with significant ongoing

                                Ecological Impact Score

Frequency factor for Mnemiopsis leidyi determined as described,

                     Total Amount of Ballast Water Carried from Native Seas
         F.F = —————————————————————————

                       Total Amount of Ballast Water Carried from All Seas

                     B.W from South Atlantic + B.W from Northwest Atlantic
         F.F = —————————————————————————

                       Total Amount of Ballast Water Carried from All Seas

                                                 3745481 tones
         F.F = ————————————————————————— = 0, 28

                                                13581202 tones

Risk index for Mnemiopsis leidyi determined as;

                   Risk Index = Ecological Impact Factor × Frequency Factor

                                 Risk Index = 15 x 0,28 = 4,20

Mnemiopsis leidyi was first discovered in the Black Sea in 1982[5]. However the invasive comb
jelly reached its maximum population at the end of the 80s and preyed on planktonic organisms,
larvae and eggs of native fishes which are exposed the risk of extinction. Mnemiopsis leidyi

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