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                                       FOR NAVAL ARCHITECTURE STUDENTS

Table 3. Comparison of the old and new systems at ITU with The North American System

Objectives of The North American      Old System at ITU          New System at ITU
To provide senior students with the   Partly, because only one   Fully, because most of the
opportunity to apply the knowledge    lecturer was advising the  lecturers are attending the
learned from academic courses         student during project.    project and advising the
leading up to the capstone design                                students with designers

To introduce students the current Partly                         Mostly
design tools used by industry

Further developed design skills and Partly                       Mostly, because of team work
strengthen problem solving skills                                and the designer help

Developed written and oral No presentation and Presentation and full document

communication skills                  proper          document representation is compulsory

                                      representation  was


Interact with engineers in the marine Not applied or depend on Fully applied, because teams

industry and gain exposure to the lecturer                       work with a design office

contemporary engineering practices

Give industry the opportunity to      Not applied                Applied
inference with students and faculty
in a design project environment, and
thus influence the outcome of the

Work in a team to design a marine Not applied                    Applied

To provide senior students with the   Partly, because only one   Fully, because most of the
opportunity to apply the knowledge    lecturer was advising the  lecturers are attending the
learned from academic courses         student during project.    project and advising the
leading up to the capstone design                                students with designers

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