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Table 4. Comparison of the skills and the knowledge gained from the old and the new systems
Design Stage and Subject Old System New System
Skills Partly applied
Concept design process Applied
Concept Design General arrangement plans √ √
Preliminary design calculations √ √
Preliminary Design Request for proposal √
Ship lines plan √ √
Skills Gained Hydrostatic calculations and diagrams √ √
Stability calculations and curves √ √
Damage stability
Powering calculations and selection of √ Partly applied
main engine √
Longitudinal strength calculations √ √
√ √ (n/a for small
Trim calculations and diagrams √
√ vessels)
Constructional details of mid-ship √ √
section √
Longitudinal section √ √
Shell expansion
Freeboard calculations √ √
Propeller design and arrangement √ √
Rudder design Partly or not √
Sea-keeping and manoeuring applied √
Engine room arrangement √
Partly or not (more detailed)
Piping arrangement applied √
Electrical systems Partly applied √
(more detailed)
Draft ship building contract Partly applied
Presentation √
Negotiation √
Analysis and Synthesis √
Concept design process
GiDB|DERGi Sayı 5, 2016