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                                             Table 2. FMEA Application of ASV

Failure Mode             Effects of Failure              SEV Causes of Failure OCC               Process Controls     DET  RPN Recommended Solution(s)
                                                                                                Reinforced control     3
Low shaft speed          Maneuvering risk, high energy   8  Jammed materials to            4    system and motor       2            If energy consumption high
                         consumption, operation cancel              thruster                    controller against     2   96 from definite value, ASV
                                                                                                  probable faults                      should go back to port.
                                                                                              Protection to thruster   2
                         Maneuvering risk, high energy          Control Unit works wrong                               1       If control unit or motor
                         consumption, operation cancel,  7 Motor controller works 4              against jammed
High shaft speed                                                                                     materials             56  controller continue works
                                    collision risk                          wrong                                              wrong, ASV Should go back
                                                                                               Reinforced control
                                                                                                system and motor               to port.
                                                                                                controller against
                                                            Wrong data collection,                                             If control unit or motor
                                                              wrong data reading,                 probable faults
Further on estimated Maneuvering risk, high energy       5                                 4   Reinforced control                    controller continue works
                                                            motor controller works              system and motor           40 wrong, ASV Should go back
location                 consumption, operation cancel                wrong                     controller against

                                                                                                  probable faults              to port.

Behind of estimated      Maneuvering risk, high energy            Wrong data collection,   4   Reinforced control                      If control unit or motor
       location          consumption, operation cancel,             wrong data reading,         system and motor                     controller continue works
                                                                                                controller against         40 wrong, ASV Should go back
                                    collision risk       5 motor controller works
                                                                wrong, defect on thruster         probable faults                               to port.

High energy consumption  Maneuvering risk, high energy   7    Jammed materials to          4    Reinforced control                  If energy consumption high
  considering estimated  consumption, operation cancel      thruster, external forces           system and motor           56 from definite value, ASV
           energy                                                                               controller against
                                                                have high values                                                       should go back to port.
                                                                                                  probable faults
Low energy consumption   Maneuvering risk, operation     8  Battery defets                 6  Protection to thruster       48      ASV should go back
 considering estimated        cancel, collision risk                                                                           immediately at low speeds
           energy                                                                                against jammed

                                                                                                Regularly battery
                                                                                                  voltage control


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