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                                                FOR NAVAL ARCHITECTURE STUDENTS

                        ARCHITECTURE STUDENTS

                                               Şebnem HELVACIOĞLU *
                                             *Istanbul Technical University


Türk gemi inşaatı endüstrisi, 2000’lerin başından bu yana dünya ile rekabetini arttırabilmek için katma
değeri yüksek gemi tiplerinin yapmayı amaçlamıştır. Rekabeti arttıra bilmek için verimlilik, kalite,
zamanında teslim, ileri tasarım ve üretim yöntemleri daha da fazla önem kazanmıştır. Gemi Mühendisliği
öğrencilerinin ulusal ve uluslararası gelişmeleri takip etmeleri gerekmektedir. İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
(İTÜ), Mühendislik ve Teknoloji Akreditasyon Kurumuna (Accreditation Board for Engineering and
Technology-ABET) eğitim kalitesini tescillemek amacı ile başvurmuş ve 2003 senesinde akredite olmuştur.
ABET eğitim kalitesini yükseltmek için takım çalışması, yazılı ve sözlü sunum becerilerinin arttırılması vs.
gibi tavsiyelerde bulunmuştur. Bu kapsamda İTÜ Gemi İnşaat ve Gemi Makinaları Bölümü, Gemi İnşaatı
Proje Dersinin içeriğini yeniden düzenleme kararı almıştır. Bu sistem 2005’den bu yana uygulanmakta
olup, başarısı endüstri tarafında da onaylanmıştır. Bu sistem öğrenci ve akademisyenlerin grup çalışması
yanı sıra endüstrinin de desteği ve öğrenci-akademisyen-tasarımcı üçlemesini koordinasyon ve iş birliği le
devam etmektedir.

Keywords: Naval architecture; education; industrial-based.

1. Introduction

Istanbul Technical University (ITU) applied to The Accreditation Board for Engineering and
Technology (ABET) for “continuous quality development” and fourteen
( departments, including The
Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering (NAME), were accredited by ABET
in 2003. Accordingly, the department adopted recommendations of ABET in its curriculum.
Criteria of ABET includes an ability to utilize mathematics, physics and engineering knowledge
to solve engineering problems, to be able to work in a multi discipline team, an ability to design
a system or an artifact, to take ethical responsibility, refreshment of knowledge, an ability to
utilize modern problem solving techniques etc.

Many engineering faculties attempt to teach engineering design often through compulsory
programs such as final year projects etc., (Ratnajeevan, 1991). On the other hand, most
universities use the modular course approach, where if a student does not use new knowledge
then he/she tends to forget it. To eliminate this retention problem most modular universities have
a capstone design course in their final undergraduate year for the purpose of refreshing forgotten
knowledge by its use and to integrate all the previously attained knowledge ((Lamb and Cooper,
2006). In the Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering at ITU, design topic is
taught during ship design project (SDP) course during two semesters through team work by the
support industry since 2005. Prior to this date it was taught in two semesters, but neither supported
by team work nor by industry contribution.

Engineering is composed of system and object buildings, the essence of which is called as
“design”. The very basic engineering characteristics are the creative synthesis of new systems and
components; hence design is the heart of engineering. During such a process experience is an
important component of engineering design and education. Therefore, the education of an

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