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                     as process effect and product effect when applied Process FMEAs. However, article emphasizes
                     on Design FMEA for rotor swing stabilizer.

                     Occurrence is a ranking number related with the probability that the failure mode and cause will
                     be present in the item being analyzed [7]. If the team applies the process FMEAs on the product,
                     production stage should be considered while determination of occurrence. Occurrence ranking
                     number is a relative value instead of absolute value, detected regardless of severity or likelihood
                     of detection.

                     Detection is a ranking number related with the greatest control from the list of detection-type
                     controls, based on the criteria from the detection scale [7]. Likelihood of detection also has
                     relative ranking in a way that is specified with no regard to the severity and likelihood of

                                                           Figure 7. Flow diagram of FMEA.

                     Following to explanation of FTC and FMEA, in order to apply the methodical procedure on
                     rotor swing stabilizer further statement is needed. In this article design FMEA is applied
                     according to design requirements (see Appendix A), functions (see Appendix B), and
                     components (see Appendix C) of the rotor swing stabilizer. The most important output is the
                     risk consequences, and also severity, occurrence and detection values are detected to calculate
                     RPN. Moreover, effects of potential failures can be reduced in design stage of the system due to
                     the prioritization of risk consequences.

                     6. Conclusion

                     A technical review and bibliography listing on the historical in failure mode and effect analysis
                     (FMEA) and fault tolerant control systems (FTC) have been submitted in this article. Within the
                     scope of article, a simple design of a fault tolerant control system adapted to a smart rotor swing
                     system based upon design FMEA methodology. After a brief description of rotor swing
                     stabilizer and its working principle, a fault and risk analysis has been performed and some of
                     applicable actions have been submitted. First of all, basic block scheme and fault diagram of the
                     system were presented. After that, customer requirements were identified to invert them to
                     design requirements. Failure modes of design requirements were determined according to four
                     categories of absence, incompleteness, incorrectness, and improper occurrence. Consequently,
                     effect analysis and severities were found. According to the requirements, functions were listed
                     and same process steps were implemented. Finally, component failure modes and risk priority
                     numbers were detected. The reason for choosing the design FMEA to explore the possibility of
                     product malfunctions in the system was that there is not enough information and academic

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