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FTC method in general is a hard method to apply but even the easiest part that is done in this
paper can improve operation quality a lot. If this can be applied to all sub-systems, effects of
errors on the system would very low.
5. Conclusion
Underwater glider is still a developing vehicle. Long endurance, large cover area, variety of
sensors and autonomous control parameters increase attention for marine researches. However,
reliability is a big concern for these vehicles. Gliders are formed with various subsystems and
controlling these systems is important to prevent the lost. Uncertainty analysis can be efficient
way to narrow down the possibilities of failure. Determination of possible malfunctioning points,
failure rates and causes can be the key of increasing reliability of the whole system. Uncertainty
analysis is a useful method for defining and analyzing the failure probabilities.
On the other side, FTC is a good method to use in designing a fault proof autonomous underwater
vehicle and it is gaining popularity. The core of the method and its branches are highly
mathematical modelling orientated which makes its application hard in complex systems. As a
result of gliders special movement mechanism, finding error information and developed control
system charts from other UV types, in literature is a lot harder. This creates requirement of expert
knowledge and model simulations. In the future, when the collective information on those systems
increases, all of the possible errors that are talked about in the paper can be analyzed to core and
developed according to FTC.
Synthesis of FTC with uncertainty analysis is also very important. Nearly all of the errors
analyzed with FTC have uncertainty problems in it. So, whether we are doing a standalone
uncertainty analysis or a FTC analysis, mixing the methods and understanding the uncertain
parameters will have a big importance.
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GiDB|DERGi Sayı 8, 2017