Page 44 - Sayı-08
P. 44


           Fig. 7. FTA of equipment/machinery failure in engine room for fire/explosion category.

Now here is proceeding next step, which means step 3 aims to create risk control options to
identify the risk areas. With this step, both existing and new risks can be examined and at the end,
wide range of risk control options are to be considered. The purpose of this step is to obtain
effective and practical measures to control and as well as reduce the risks. Please see Fig. 8 in
order to understand the chain for the process of step 3.

This step can be comprised by 4 stages. The first one is focusing on risk areas needing control,
second one is identifying potential risk control measures (RCO), third one is evaluation the
effectiveness of the RCO in reducing risk by re-evaluating step 2 and last one is grouping RCOs
into practical regulatory options [1]. At this point, as mentioned above Fault Tree Analysis has
been used in order to define "Cause", "Incident" and "Accident". Consequences may vary
however as it has been mentioned before, on this paper the focus points are
Collision/Contact/Allision and Fire/Explosion. It is safe to assume our consequences are in line
with these hazards. Our aim is to understand as follows:

1. Intervention to remove cause.
2. Intervention before the incident.
3. Intervention before the accident.
4. Intervention before the consequence.

Cause                    Incident  Accident                Consequence

                                   Fig. 8 Chain of events

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