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                     effective on emergency situations too such as fast response on hazardous situations, executions
                     of drills etc.

                     Now for fire category, machinery failure in engine room has been chosen. Through the historical
                     data, many fire accidents have been occured due to equipment/machinery malfunciton such as
                     cracked fuel injection valve, overused equipment, overheating etc. In order to avoid these kind of
                     problems, implementation of planned maintenance system is necessary. With this
                     implementation, many problems and as well as failures could be solved beforehand. For example,
                     heavily corroded piece can be cracked or leak in time. Of course it will be very easy to solve this
                     with planned maintanence system onboard. Also, observing machinery will be very effective too.
                     With a little cost, duty engineers can carry our patrol surveys in engine room to observe machinery
                     for any malfunction or misoperation. At latter stages, of course additional extinguishers are very
                     helpful to avoid big fires and flames.

                     4. Conclusion

                     With this study, OSVs or Offshore Support Vessels have been examined with FSA method.
                     "Collision/Contact/Allision" category and "Fire/Explosion" category have been chosen due to
                     accidents in the past and experts judgements. Especially after checking the historical data as well
                     as reference [11], these categories chosen specifically.

                     Human error is the most contributing factor especially for collision category. Misoperation,
                     misjudge of effects, poor communication and poor trained crew can lead very big accidents and
                     collisions with other ships. As mentioned above, there are many cases, collision and contact
                     occured due to poor communication between ships. For example, in one accident in 2013, ship
                     captain's misjudgment of effects caused the allision. Therefore, it was important to focus on this
                     effect and it will be beneficial for ship operators to conduct preventive measures. For this matter,
                     when the results have been checked, the common causes are lack of training, equipment
                     malfunction and relatively poor judgement. There is a big responsibility for management
                     companies/owners to provide adequeate training for ship crew as well as intensification of
                     inspections in order to avoid malfunction of equipment due to human error. For example,
                     companies may apply strict applications of drills, equipment trainings and sufficient supervision.
                     In Turkey, there are several management companes apply these such kind of supervision to their
                     ships which greatly reduced human error considering past occurences.

                     For fire category, machinery failure in engine room is focused on due to frequent occurence and
                     expert opinions from recognized organizations. It is very clear that the planned maintanence and
                     obervation of machinery are very effective ways to prevent any kind of flame, overheating or fire.
                     These are can be considered also preventive measures for this category. It is sad to report that and
                     understandably considering not mandotary application many compaines avoid planned
                     maintenance scheme. However, a good application of planned maintenance with the support of
                     software can greatly reduce the risk of overheating, malfunction and such. Also, again in relation
                     with the above, properly trained ship crew can observe machinery more efficiently and able to be
                     understand the problems before accidents. Therefore again, compaines shall apply more strict
                     training and/or supervision procedures. Some companies carry out such kind of trainings
                     however, it is not very common application.

                     Using the suitable FSA methodology, OSV crew, their operators and related personnelle can find
                     accepable ways to improve safety while considering the cost of these improvements. This analysis
                     of course does not cover the whole analysis of OSVs, however, it gives a practical way of
                     understanding by means of safety with focusing on most risky categories. With this study, ship

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